Flipping House: Strategies with No Money No Credit for Today's Market

Flipping House:Strategies with No Money No Credit in Today's Market Flipping House: July 2010

Flipping House: Strategies to make money in today's market with No Money and No Credit!

Think now is a bad time to buy real estate? Think again. The media reports that the economy is in the dump. People are earning less, and thousands are out of work. The one thing they aren’t reporting is how thousands of everyday people have found a way to not only thrive in the current economy, but even get wealthy! And the most unbelievable thing is that they are doing it by reading one book. It’s the fastest selling book in America right now!

What book are they reading? Find out here.

If you have ever been fooled by one of those get rich quick schemes, you’re not alone! It’s pretty common to wish for overnight riches, most of us imagine it at one time or another. But short of winning the lottery, or marrying well, it never happens, but that doesn’t mean people don’t get rich quick!

In fact, what if I told you there was a new bestselling book that showed you, step-by-step how you could do it over the span of only 18 months? Does that sound unrealistic to you? Well before you answer, check it out to see the results that real people just like you are experiencing, and make your own judgment.

If you have been looking for a business opportunity that is easy to get started, has little to no risk and will deliver big profits in a hurry, you have to read this new book that gives you the fool proof recipe. No money needed to start, work as much or as little as you want, and make thousands in as little as 14 days from now? Sound crazy? Maybe so, but hundreds of people a week are taking advantage of a little known method that is allowing them to bring in “crazy” profits. Frankly, it would be crazy for you not to take a look.

  • Complete step by step guide to go from zero to profits, with no risk and no money, in 30 days or less.
  • You don’t need cash, and you don’t need credit –There is a strategy for you.
  • Looking to make real estate part of your investment or retirement portfolio? It's laid out like a road map.
  • Proven recipes to bring in more money in this down economy, than when the economy was stable!

On top of all that, throw in a bunch of great bonuses from some of the planet's brightest people like David Bach, Sir Richard Branson, Montel Williams, Anthony Robbins and many more…ALL BACKED by a no-strings money guarantee. Imagine it! A book that is guaranteed to show you how to make money, in real estate, RIGHT NOW!

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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See the power of these techniques!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

5 Musts Before You Quit Your Day Job For Full-Time Real Estate By Ryan M Moeller

Real estate can provide passive income, even allow you to quit your day job and become financially free. For many investors, this is the goal. To be their own boss and to be able to work when they want and where they want. Here are 5 must before you give up your day job.

1. Create 30% more monthly cash flow then you need - Surprises happen. Vacancy, maintenance and other expenses arise and you are not guaranteed optimal cash flow on every property every month. Make sure you have 30% more than what you need as a buffer for surprises.

2. 1-2 years of reserves - Depending on how conservative you are, make sure you have 1-2 years of expenses in reserves so you can live comfortably and don't have to stress over your cash flow and finances.

3. Asset protection - Hold your properties in entities like a corporation, trust or LLC. This will protect your other properties, businesses and personal assets in the unfortunate case you get sued and lose.

4. Strategy to improve your net worth and cash flow - What are the next steps and initiatives to take your business, cash flow and net worth to the next level. Continue to learn, educate yourself and master new strategies or asset classes. Continuous improvement.

5. What to do with your time - I personally get stir crazy after 2 days of doing nothing. Exercise, learn and pursue other goals and interests. Get more involved with your family, community, volunteer, give back and fill your time with when you are not working. A routine of positive things can lead to achieving many goals and tremendous happiness.

Real Return Real Estate™ for years has bought property at extreme discounts, sells and rents with tremendous cash flow. We also provide FREE tips, articles, guides and Educational Webinars. Visit our site http://www.realreturnrealestate.com for all the helpful resources.
